How To Get Rid Of Dry Rot Smell

Key Takeaways:

  • Identify and remove the source of dry rot.

  • Treat affected areas with fungicide and dry them out.

  • Improve ventilation to prevent recurrence.

  • Neutralise odours with cleaning and odour absorbers.

  • Regular maintenance is essential to keep your home dry and safe.

Understanding Dry Rot

Dry rot is a serious issue that can affect the structural integrity of your home, but another unpleasant aspect is the distinctive, musty smell it brings. This smell, caused by the decay of wood, can be quite persistent and hard to eliminate. Here’s a comprehensive guide from Anke Damp Proofing on how to get rid of dry rot smell effectively. 

Dry rot is a type of fungal decay that affects timber in buildings and other wooden structures. The fungus breaks down the cellulose and hemicellulose in the wood, which causes it to lose its strength. The smell is a byproduct of this fungal activity, and getting rid of it involves addressing both the odour and the underlying cause.

Step-by-Step Guide to Eliminating Dry Rot Smell

1. Identify and Remove the Source

  • Inspect Thoroughly: Look for signs of dry rot in your home. This includes areas that are damp, poorly ventilated, or have had previous water damage.
  • Remove Affected Wood: Any wood that is significantly decayed needs to be removed and replaced. This is crucial to stop the spread of the fungus and eliminate the primary source of the odour.

2. Treat the Affected Areas

  • Dry Out the Area: Ensure that the affected area is thoroughly dried out. Use dehumidifiers and fans to remove moisture, as dry rot thrives in damp conditions.

3. Improve Ventilation

  • Increase Air Flow: Proper ventilation is key to preventing dry rot from reoccurring. Make sure there is adequate airflow in your home, especially in areas prone to dampness.

4. Neutralise the Odour

  • Clean Surfaces: Wipe down all surfaces with a mixture of water and vinegar, which can help neutralise the smell. Be sure to test this on a small area first to ensure it doesn’t damage the surface.

5. Regular Maintenance

  • Monitor for Moisture: Regularly check your home for signs of moisture buildup and take steps to address it immediately.

Dry and Wet Rot Services

Dealing with rot requires expertise and the right approach. At Anke Damp Proofing, we provide specialised services to combat both dry and wet rot:

  • Dry Rot Treatment: Our professionals will inspect your property, remove affected timber, apply fungicidal treatments, and ensure the area is dry to prevent future issues.
  • Wet Rot Solutions: Wet rot can be just as damaging. We offer thorough assessments and effective treatments to remove and replace affected wood, ensuring your property is protected from further damage.

With our comprehensive rot treatment services, you can rest assured that your home will be safeguarded against these damaging fungi, maintaining its structural integrity and value.

Why Choose Anke Damp Proofing?

At Anke Damp Proofing, we specialise in dealing with all aspects of damp problems, including dry rot. Our team of experts can identify the source of your dry rot issue and provide effective treatments to eliminate both the fungus and the unpleasant smell. 

We offer comprehensive solutions to ensure your home remains dry, safe, and free from damp-related issues.


Getting rid of the dry rot smell involves more than just masking the odour. It requires addressing the underlying cause and taking steps to prevent future occurrences. By following the steps outlined above, you can effectively eliminate the smell and protect your home from further damage. 

For professional help, contact Anke Damp Proofing today and let us help you create a healthier living environment.