Find Out Now: Can Dry Rot Spread From House To House?

Discovering dry rot in your home can be worrying. Many homeowners fear the damage it can do to their property. One common concern is whether this problem can leap from one house to another, threatening the neighbourhood’s safety and value.

Dry rot is a type of fungal growth that thrives on wood under certain damp conditions, causing structural damage over time.

In this article, we will explore what dry rot is, how it spreads, and its signs. We aim to provide you with effective ways to identify, treat and prevent dry rot from harming your home or spreading further.

In this article, we will explore what dry rot is, how it spreads, and its signs. We aim to provide you with effective ways to identify, treat and prevent dry rot from harming your home or spreading further.

Armed with the right knowledge and tools, you can tackle dry rot head-on. 

Worried about dry rot spreading? Contact us today to get a quote straight away. 

What is Dry Rot?

Dry rot is a type of wood decay caused by fungus.

The fungus thrives in damp and poorly ventilated areas, leading to damage.

What causes dry rot?

Dry rot happens when the timber gets wet. This often comes from high levels of condensation or water leaks in a house. Moisture allows fungi, called Serpula lacrymans, to grow and damage wood.

Keeping rooms well-ventilated and using dehumidifiers can prevent this moisture build-up. Without enough airflow or if there’s too much dampness, timber becomes an ideal place for dry rot to start.

How does dry rot spread?

Dry rot begins in damp timber and structural materials where moisture content is high. This damp environment allows the fungi that cause dry rot to thrive. As these fungi grow, they produce spores that can easily spread through the air.

If these spores land on other wooden surfaces with enough moisture, they start to grow there too. This means dry rot can move from one area to another within a property.

The growth includes thin strands called hyphae which further develop into a thick layer known as mycelium. Mycelium can sneak through cracks and crevices in search of more wood to devour, even crossing non-wooden barriers like plaster or brick.

Thus, untreated dry rot not only damages localised areas but poses a risk to the entire structure of a house by weakening its timber components.

Early and late signs of dry rot

A strong odour signals early dry rot. Wood shows puckered or bumpy surfaces, and cracks, and becomes soft or spongy with discolouration. Paint may also crack or chip as part of these initial symptoms.

These signs indicate that timber decay is starting due to dry rot’s presence.

In its late stages, dry rot affects a property’s structural integrity seriously. It can lower the selling price of a home significantly. Buyers might struggle to get a mortgage if severe dry rot is found during a damp and timber survey, making it harder to sell affected properties.

The Impact of Dry Rot on Properties

Dry rot can diminish property value and lead to expensive treatments, click to learn more about its impact.

  • Selling a house with dry rot

Dry rot in a house can scare off potential buyers, leading to a lower selling price. Anke Damp provides a quick solution by buying homes with dry rot and covers all legal fees.

This service removes the hassle for sellers worried about the impact of dry rot on their property’s value.

To sell a property affected by dry rot, it is essential to disclose this issue upfront. Transparency ensures that the sale process moves smoothly without last-minute surprises or negotiations.

Sellers might find this approach more favourable as it attracts buyers prepared to handle the condition or those looking for a project house.

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Rely on Anke Damp for Effective Dry Rot Treatment Today

Remember to maintain well-ventilated rooms and regularly check for water damage. Seek professional help to identify and treat dry rot in a property..

Consider Anke Damp as an option to sell a house with dry rot quickly, covering all legal fees.

Act now to take practical steps for preventing, identifying, and treating dry rot in your home.


Indeed they can! Blocked or broken gutters can cause water to seep into walls and woods, providing perfect conditions for dry rot fungus to flourish.

Yes, for severe infestations of any kind of wood rots including white or brown rots; contacting chartered surveyors or professional treatment services ensures proper removal and prevention methods are used.